IEP Coaches
What is an IEP Coach?
IEP, FAPE, IDEA... what does it all mean???
Special education has it's own language; do you speak it? If not, our Master IEP Coaches can help! They have completed The Master IEP Coach training with Catherine Whitcher, and speak special education fluently. They believe that children get the best education possible when parents, teachers, and the rest of the IEP team speak the same language, and are here help you learn it!
IEP coaches cannot give legal advice, file complaints or due process. If you need these services, we can direct you to an IEP Advocate. However, our goal is to help you avoid those things by giving you the tools to create and keep a fabulous IEP team for your child!
Have questions about IEPS and the process? Our Master IEP Coaches are here to help!

What can an IEP Coach do?
An IEP Coach can:
Guide you through the IEP or 504 process
Help you put your thoughts, concerns, and goals into writing
Give you the tools to help you become a better communication partner with your team
Empower you to feel as an integral part of the IEP team
Decode the language of special education
Keep the IEP process student centered
Supply you with resources to help you on your journey
An IEP Coach cannot:
Give you legal or professional advice
What does it cost?
Not a penny!
Emerald Coast Exceptional Families is proud to offer this service free of charge to the families we serve! All we ask is that you pay it forward when you can and assist other parents on their IEP journey. It takes a village to raise a special needs child, and you are a part of that village!
Feeling lost? Contact us today!
Both former teachers, Angela and Kendra have been part of dozens of IEP meetings. They know that IEP meetings can be stressful, and want to help!
Have questions about IEPS and the process? Our Master IEP Coaches are here to help!